June 7, 2021 -- Legislation to allow licensed mental health providers at summer camps

June 7, 2021 — Legislation to Allow Licensed Mental Health Providers at Summer Camps

Tress Capitol Advisors congratulates our client, the New York State Camp Directors Association (NYSCDA), on the hard-won passage of legislation to allow licensed mental health providers at summer camps. At issue since 2013, having mental health professionals on staff will go a long way toward providing parity in whole child health care at camps and will bring New York up to date with the rest of the Northeast. We thank the sponsors of the bill, Assemblymember Thomas Abinanti and Senator Samra Brouck, as well as Speaker of the Assembly, Carl Heastie and Senate Majority Leader, Andrea Stewart-Cousins for their leadership and belief in this measure to secure the social, emotional, and physical well-being of New York’s camping youth. The NYSCDA also appreciates the support of the Mental Health Association of NYS, the National Alliance on Mental Illness of NYS, the Alliance of NYS YMCAs and the Citizens Committee for Children.

Tracy Tress